When You’re a Frozen Writer: Why I Stopped Putting Pen to Paper

I haven’t given up. I’m just freezing

Savannah Worley
4 min readDec 31, 2023


Ice cubes with a slice of orange against a black background
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

I haven’t written anything in many months and have been trying to figure out why. It isn’t writer’s block — I have many ideas for articles, but I have not written about them. I also don’t believe it’s a lack of motivation — I love writing, and it helps give me a sense of purpose. I’m also confident in my writing ability, so it’s not insecurity or anxiety.

There have been two points this year when I went four-to-five months without writing. At the beginning of 2023, I wrote about how I had a doable writing plan that my chaotic and disorganized mind could follow. I learned I shouldn’t make those plans public. Chaotic and disorganized minds suck at keeping promises. Now, the year 2023 is coming to a close. Before I make more empty promises, I need to figure out why I didn’t keep the last ones. I have to self-reflect and all that crap. I'm not too fond of it — I want to move, not stop and think. But I haven’t moved, even though I desperately wanted to do so. Therefore, I have to self-examine, as boring as that is.

People have often told me I have cold hands. Then they say people with cold hands have warm hearts. I tell them sayings like that annoy me, but, indeed, my hands are often cold. Writing helps warm my hands — writing my…



Savannah Worley

Essayist who writes about social justice, racism, and mental health | she/her | Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/skworley